Jun 16, 2008

Pushing Ahead

Mobbed Up continues to be what I would characterize as a hot project. It seems to be forging ahead well ahead of any schedule I initially thought.

We're not even six months into development and we've already raised a significant amount of development cash, created a substantial website and gained a great deal of industry attention.

Starline Films has created a "package" for Mobbed Up that is being presented to and requested by many A-listers including actors, directors and producers. Were I to mention names, you would certainly know many of these people. But until there is paperwork signed it would be inappropriate for me to do so.

Starline has a full slate of projects in various states of production. It is fortunate that Mobbed Up has been able to hover near the top of this list. They really do have some exciting things in the works. I am very fortunate to be associated with the talented and very hard working folks at Starline Films. I would be fibbing if I didn't say I want Mobbed Up to pop as fast as possible but I also understand the big picture Starline is looking at. This is a difficult business to plot on a calendar. I'm trying to focus on it all unfolding organically to everyone's benefit.

For my part, I recently took an interview with a local paper and am planning an evening public presentation where I will address the Mobbed Up script, film making and writing in general.


Changes to the script have been discussed based on the interest and availability of several of name actors. I've already begun playing with some changes keeping in mind the actors who have shown interest.

This was not an entirely unexpected development. But it has been interesting to re-focus on the script in a way I hadn't in many months. Since development began in January 2008, I had been very business minded about Mobbed Up, wearing my producer's cap each day hence. It's been interesting to think creatively about the words on paper once again. Also a reminder of the art that lies beneath the numbers.

Still Looking For Investors

We've been raising money at a pretty good clip, with various investors apparently seeing the potential in this film. (Not to mention the recent lack-luster performance of more traditional investments.) But we are still looking for development investors. Search this blog and MobbedUpMovie.com for greater descriptions of development and investing in Mobbed Up. Remember, the opportunity to invest at this level can be ended at any time.

Starline would also like to speak to anyone with access to greater funds for production purposes.

For more information, please use the contact info posted at the website: