Apr 1, 2009

Closer Still...

Although there's been plenty happening with the film, it has been a long time since my last post.

I intended to report on everything that came up as it came up. I'm finding however, that because of industry protocol and legal reasons, I'm not able to report on as much as I'd like.

For instance, there are many name actors who have agreed to be in Mobbed Up but because the 'paperwork' has not been signed, I can't publicly announce any names.

So allow me to bring us all up to date.

Mobbed Up has become a priority at Starline Films. One of the acts I've performed as a producer was find another production company interested in co-producing with us. This has resulted in a viable option or two. (Again, protocol prohibits naming names)

In order to get approvals from key investors involved, we are attempting to cast the film and present a complete budget analysis to this co-producer. To this end, producers from Starline are in Hollywood right now working on final casting for some important lead roles.

We are acting with some haste because our goal is to have cameras rolling by late June. If all goes well, we will be shooting this summer on a $10 million budget. This would likely mean a theatrical release in 2010.

We're at a very interesting place with the film right now. This has been a remarkable experience from the beginning. I know I am going to look back on this as stressful, educational, wonderful. That's what I'll be thinking about from the back row of a darkened theater as the opening credits roll.